Resonating with a lot of this, Justin. Great piece. I've been playing around with a lot of this is my own life lately and thinking about intuition, inner guidance, inner knowing, inner compass, Self beyond the thinking mind, etc. Sounds like your body/inner knowing knew what you needed to do but the stories clashed with it, and you had the bravery to understand those stories and trust your intuition. Also loving this idea that the more we do things that are out of alignment with the inner guidance / deeper knowing, the more debt we build up in our bodies and our lives. Lot of jargon in this comment but I bet you'll know what I mean :)

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Brilliant, Justin. I love how you listened to your body instead of your head, even with so much on the line. Great courage! I can relate to all of this, and my friend turned me on to The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership, a superb book. Thank you.

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